David Denis




Therapy requires a strong trusting relationship between therapist and client, in a space that is safe and receptive to honest thoughts and feelings. I bring my full presence and compassion to first understanding your experience and then applying my expertise to helping you.

I offer a free first meeting so that you can gauge whether the fit is right before committing to a first full session.

I use individually-tailored therapy approaches as well as Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).


Conditions Treated


Conditions Treated

I work with people with a wide range of mental health diagnoses.  I also help many people without mental health diagnoses,  who are just bogged down by the stresses of life and are interested in finding more energy, calm and happiness.

I have experience working with people with the following diagnoses:

  • Depressive disorders including Major Depression, Dysthymia, and Bipolar Disorder

  • Anxiety disorders including Generalized Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Panic Attacks, and other specific phobias

  • Chronic diseases such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Diabetes, and Cancer which can cause significant emotional distress